In TinyMCE 3 you can use theme_advanced_toolbar_location = 'external'
in mce settings, making a class=mceExternalToolbar element.
However, there doesn't seem to be an exact equivalent for TinyMCE 4. Am I missing something, or is an external toolbar that sticks to top when scrolling down, not easily doable in TinyMCE 4?
In TinyMCE 3, "theme_advanced_toolbar_location" is a theme option of the "advanced" theme, which is one of the official themes(the other is simple, you can see these 2 themes in folder tiny_mce\themes)
But in TinyMCE 4, there's no "advanced" theme, but a "modern" theme as the default one, with this theme, there's an "inline" option, which is the equivalent of the old "external".
Both answers helped me get a toolbar on the bottom, but this css will help keep it visible all the time.
If you can use flexbox and only need to swap position you can use the following with respective prefixes to get the toolbar on the bottom:
Had the same issue. Yes, there is a simple solution but it just didn't seem to come up in any search I did. Eventually found it by accident when looking through the configuration options.