given an array of elements (all elements are unique ) , given a sum
s find all the subsets having sum s.
for ex array {5,9,1,3,4,2,6,7,11,10}
sum is 10
possible subsets are {10}, {6,4}, {7,3}, {5,3,2}, {6,3,1}
there can be many more.
also find the total number of these subsets.
please help me to solve this problem..
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It is a famous backtracking problem which can be solved by recursion. Basically its a brute force approach in which every possible combination is tried but 3 boundary conditions given at least prune the search.
Here is algorithm:
s variable for the sum of elements selected till now.
r variable for the overall sum of the remaining array.
M is the sum required.
k is index starting with 0
w is array of given integers
I am using an array "x" to mark the candidate numbers selected for solution. At each step 3 boundary conditions are checked:
If any of the condition is failed, that branch is terminated.
Here's some python code doing what you want. It makes extensive use of itertools so to understand it you might want to have a look at the itertools docs.
What it does is basically this:
for i in xrange(len(vals)+1)
, do:for x in itertools.combinations(vals, i)
if sum(x) == 10
For each subset size another generator is yielded, so I'm using
to chain them together so there's a single generator yielding all solutions.Since you have only a generator and not a list, you need to count the elements while iterating over it - or you could use
to put all values from the generator into a list (this consumes the generator, so don't try iterating over it before/after that).Since you don't say if it's homework or not, I give only some hints:
be the array of numbers that you can use (in your examplenums = {5,9,1,3,4,2,6,7,11,10}
be the sum value you're given (in your exampletargetSum = 10
: you don't want to search for solutions using elements ofnums
that are bigger of yourtargetSum
be a set of integers taken fromnums
whose sum is equal tos
be the set of allS_s
you want to find
(in your exampleR_10
)now, assume that you have a function
find(i, s)
which returnsR_s
using the the sub-array ofnums
starting from positioni
nums[i] > s
you can stop (remember that you have previously sortednums
nums[i] == s
you have foundR_s = { { nums[i] } }
, so return itfor every
j in [1 .. nums.length - 1]
you want to computeR_s' = find(i + j, targetSum - nums[i])
, then addnums[i]
to every set inR_s'
, and add them to your resultR_s
solve your problem by implementing
, and callingfind(0, 10)
I hope this helps