I'm tracking machine state which can be 0,1 and 2, and storing that data in sql table with time_stamp. I have table in sql server with next fields: id(int) time_stamp(datetime) machine_state(int)
Machine state is connected with machine condition:
machine_state =0 -machine stooped
machine_state =1-machine with alarm
machine_state =2-machine running
Now I want to calculate how long machine was in each state in each shift. Shifts are
- 8:00-17:00
- 17:00-01:00
- 01:00-08:00.
My problem is how I can calculate time of each state of machine(sum_time_0, sum_time_1, sum_time_2) and group that times by the shift. I want to calculate time in seconds and then convert to minutes.
To have better picture I did export part of table
id time_stamp machine_state
1623 6.10.2009 17:09:00 1
1624 6.10.2009 17:17:00 2
1625 6.10.2009 17:17:00 1
1626 6.10.2009 17:17:00 2
1627 6.10.2009 17:18:00 1
1628 6.10.2009 17:18:00 2
1629 6.10.2009 18:04:00 1
1630 6.10.2009 18:06:00 2
1631 6.10.2009 18:07:00 1
1632 6.10.2009 18:12:00 2
1633 6.10.2009 18:28:00 1
1634 6.10.2009 18:28:00 2
1635 6.10.2009 19:16:00 1
1636 6.10.2009 19:21:00 2
1637 6.10.2009 19:49:00 1
1638 6.10.2009 20:23:00 2
Any advice will help. Thanks in advance.
You can use an exclusive join to find the previous row:
The query then groups by machine state. The result differs from other answers here, I'm curious which one is right!
Here's the sample data I used: