I am trying to test a real http call with Jasmine (integration test), but when i call a method that uses $http.get, it times out and the server never gets called.
I know that I am supposed to inject the implementation of $http but not sure where that should happen.
app.service('searchSvc', ['$http', '$q', searchSvc]);
function searchSvc($http, $q) {
return {
search: function(text) {
console.log('svc.search called with ', text); // this does get called
return $q.when($http.get('/search/' + text));
describe("searchTest", function() {
var ctrl, svc, $http;
beforeEach(function () {
inject(function(_$controller_, searchSvc, _$http_){
ctrl = _$controller_('searchCtrl');
svc = searchSvc;
$http = _$http_;
it('test server search', function(done) {
svc.search('re').then(function(result) {
console.log('promise then'); // this never gets called, because server never gets called
This is sort of hypothetical, but if you include both
modules as your app module's dependency (ngMock
needs to come beforengMockE2E
in the dependency list) you should be able to use$httpBackend
service provided byngMockE2E
module topassThrough
the search api call to actual backend in your test specs.Try something like this and see whether it works:
In case if you use promises you can find out how to deal with them here http://entwicklertagebuch.com/blog/2013/10/how-to-handle-angularjs-promises-in-jasmine-unit-tests/
Here is a solution that I use to make real HTTP calls when I'm using ngMock for unit tests. I mainly use it for debugging, working through the test, getting JSON examples etc.
I wrote a more detailed post about the solution on my blog: How to Unit Test with real HTTP calls using ngMockE2E & passThrough.
The solution is as follows:
Include this source file after ngMock, for example:
How to write the test?
How it works?
It uses ngMockE2E's version of $httpBackEndProvider, which provides us with the passThrough function we see being used in the test. This does as the name suggests and lets a native HTTP call pass through.
We need to re-define the ngMock module without its fake version of the $BrowserProvider, since that is what prevents the real HTTP calls in unit tests that use ngMock.