I have multiple video recorded with same frame rate,and resolution.I want to merge both video to one video so result file will be large video. I am using MP4 parser api and use below code -
Movie countVideo = new MovieCreator().build(Channels.newChannel(MuxExample.class.getResourceAsStream("/count-video.mp4")));
Movie countAudioDeutsch = new MovieCreator().build(Channels.newChannel(MuxExample.class.getResourceAsStream("/count-deutsch-audio.mp4")));
Movie countAudioEnglish = new MovieCreator().build(Channels.newChannel(MuxExample.class.getResourceAsStream("/count-english-audio.mp4")));
and using jar isoviewer-1.0-RC-35.jar. but it gives error in line -
Movie countVideo = new MovieCreator().build(Channels.newChannel(MuxExample.class.getResourceAsStream("/count-video.mp4")));
at build method.It says The method build(String) in the type MovieCreator is not applicable for the arguments (FileChannel)
Is there any issue of jar.So which jar i have to use. Or any other way to do this. Please help me in solve this point.
Try this :
I did with two video files.
Hope it will help u.
The build() method uses String because it accepts the filepath, like