I'm search for a way to develop, build and deploy multiple OSGi based web applications (some RAP).
To start I use the RAP examples cloned from: https://github.com/eclipse/rap.git
In releng/org.eclipse.rap.examples.build
there are three applications which can be built as war files using:
mvn clean verify
The resulting war files include all the dependencies and the required equinox servletbridge for the OSGi environment.
Now I can copy the war files and drop them into the webapps
of the application server e.g. tomcat:
rapdemo.war >
workbench.war >
controls.war >
This works great, but how can I develop in Eclipse and automatically deploying to the tomcat/jetty/... using the equinox servletbridge?
I tried using the jetty maven plugin, adding the following to the pom files:
I get the following messages in the console and jetty is not running:
[INFO] Skipping org.eclipse.rap.examples.rapdemo.product : packaging type [eclipse-repository] is unsupported ...
[INFO] Skipping RAP demo examples build : packaging type [pom] is unsupported
Maybe I need additional maven projects with packaging type war
and a similiar configuration like this: