I saw a potential answer here but that was for YYYY-MM-DD: JavaScript date validation
I modified the code code above for MM-DD-YYYY like so but I still can't get it to work:
String.prototype.isValidDate = function()
var IsoDateRe = new RegExp("^([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4})$");
var matches = IsoDateRe.exec(this);
if (!matches) return false;
var composedDate = new Date(matches[3], (matches[1] - 1), matches[2]);
return ((composedDate.getMonth() == (matches[1] - 1)) &&
(composedDate.getDate() == matches[2]) &&
(composedDate.getFullYear() == matches[3]));
How can I get the above code to work for MM-DD-YYYY and better yet MM/DD/YYYY?
what isn't working about it? here's a tested version:
You can simplify it somewhat by changing the first two lines of the function to this:
Or, just change the parameter to the RegExp constructor to be
pass this function to date with format //10-10-2012 and id of object.
This checks for valid days in each month and for valid leap year days.