I have a server which streams the data for a given request below is the method which does that function
public void getChangeFeed(ChangeFeedRequest request, StreamObserver<ChangeFeedResponse> responseObserver) {
long queryDate = request.getFromDate();
long offset = request.getPageNo();
ChangeFeedResponse changeFeedResponse = processData(responseObserver, queryDate, offset);
if(changeFeedResponse!=null && !changeFeedResponse.getFinalize()){
changeFeedResponse = processData(responseObserver, changeFeedResponse.getToDate(), changeFeedResponse.getPageNo());
When the client get disconnected the server still keeps on processing, this might be issue when multiple clients are fetching the data. Need to know how to tell server to stop processing
There's two fairly-equivalent ways. One is to use the Context, which is cancelled when the RPC is completed/cancelled:
The other would be to use the ServerCallStreamObserver:
Both approaches can also provide notification when a cancellation occurs, but polling is easiest in your case.