I created a python package installation with a setup.py, and i want it to copy a data file in the folder (created for the occasion) ~/.did. The problem is that i have to call setup.py with sudo rights, as it writes in /usr/local/... So when my data file is copied in ~/.did, only the root user has write access to the file.
I decided then to add a call to os.chmod() after the setup() function, but i'd like to know if anyone had a more clean way to do so.
Here is my setup.py file :
#!/usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup
import os
description='Daily Image Downloader',
author='Luc Mazon',
license='GNU GPL v3',
('/usr/share/man/man1', ['doc/did.1.gz']),
(home+'/.did', ['did.xml'])
os.chmod(home+'/.did/did.xml', 0666)
As did.xml is not a python file, i also created a MANIFEST.in file with the following line in it :
include did.xml
The global structure of my package is the following :
| didlib
| | __init__.py
| | variouspyfiles.py
| doc
| |-did.1.gz
| did.xml
| did
| setup.py
I think it would be better, and more customary, to not write to the installer's home directory any config files at all. What about other users? Better would be to have your code check, on initialization, if that file exists for the user running it and only add a new one if it does not.
For me, you're looking either for chown (changing owner) or chgrp (changing group).
Moreover i don't see why you're making sudo, you only need right access to those files. So just add
chmod -R gou+rx setup_dir
in order to be able to browse the installs.