I am looking for an efficient way to detect the number of unique values in an array.
My current approach:
- Quicksort array of integers
- Then run a loop to compare elements.
In code:
yearHolder := '';
for I := 0 to High(yearArray) do
currYear := yearArray[i];
if (yearHolder <> currYear) then
yearHolder := currYear;
Here is an example with the THashedStringList:
A more efficient algorithm would be to dump everything a hash table (not sure if delphi even has this).
In general, you can use this algorithm:
However, in your case, your variables are named "year". If this is really a year, this is simpler, because years have a very limited range. Say, the range 0-3000 should be enough. So, instead of a hash table, you can use a simple array of counters. Initialize it with 0s. Then when you see the year 2009, increment the element arr[2009]. At the end, count the number of elements with arr[i] >= 1.
In Delphi using DeHL we say: List uniqueWidgets := List.Create( MassiveListOfNonUniqueWidgets.Distinct());
A minor deviation from the plan could be more worthwhile: never add duplicates to the array in the first place, or add them directly to the proposed hash array.
Up till D2009, there is only THashedStringList (which needs a bunch of costly number -> string conversions and hashes on strings to operate), but if you have D2009 then the Generics.Collections unit has some interesting data structures.
I'd recommend adding the items to a Set and, once completed, reading the size of the resulting Set. Because Sets do not allow duplicates, in Java, DDL, .Net, and many (if not all languages), this is a safe, cheap and reliable method.