I'm looking for a replacement for ObservableCollection
that is thread-safe, raises events on the UI thread and preferably has an AddRange
method. I've seen a few implementations posted here and elsewhere, but I'd prefer an implementation that has been tested and validated and that I won't have to maintain myself.
So can anyone point me to such a replacement, preferable available via NuGet?
You could try using the BulkObservableCollection from Microsoft, although I'm not sure why they put it in such a strange namespace! Didn't see it listed when I tried to "Add reference..." in VS2012, had to manually browse to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL
You can try the one described here:
It is a full implementation in a blog post. It is available as source (from that page), so it might not meet your tested/validated criteria.
I have not used it, so I cannot vouch for how well it works (or doesn't).
UPDATE: The old link was broken. I replaced it with the current link. The Dean Chalk is actually a member here on SO, so here is a link to his SO profile in case it ever breaks again:
For thread safe collections check the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace. ConcurrentStack has a PushRange method that inserts multiple objects at the top of the stack.