I have a complex xpage with lots of nested custom controls. Everytime I execute a partial refresh it takes over 4 seconds to finish. If I remove the complexity it works just fine and is fast as wished.
I put a test on this complex Xpage and even with partial execution mode this simple test takes over 4 seconds to finish.
<xp:button value="Label" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="partial" refreshId="refreshPanel" disableValidators="true" execMode="partial" execId="inputText1">
<xp:div id="refreshPanel">
<xp:inputText id="inputText1"></xp:inputText>
execution time of partialrefresh
Does anyone have a hint on this? Any server settings which can be adjusted?
There's a few little tweaks you can make to help speed things up (in general) however I'm not sure how they would help with a single complex page, but.....
All of the above are tips/recommendations I've read from other developers over the years and I implement/try to implement myself where possible so might be worth trying some/all to see if it helps?
Even though it is a partial refresh all XPage controls' values are submitted to server. "partial" means in this case that only the label1 part returns to client. But it is a full submit and this might take time...
You can submit partially though. Add
to your eventHandler properties. This time only the execId's value gets submitted. Put in execId the id that needs to be submitted (maybe a panel) for this partial refresh.
Have a look here for more information on partial execution mode .