I've found this example to change CamelCase to Dashes. I've modified to code to change CamelCase to Sentencecase with spaces instead of dashes. It works fine but not for one word letters, like "i" and "a". Any ideas how to incorporate that as well?
thisIsAPain --> This is a pain
var str = "thisIsAPain"; str = camelCaseToSpacedSentenceCase(str); alert(str) function camelCaseToSpacedSentenceCase(str) { var spacedCamel = str.replace(/\W+/g, " ").replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, "$1 $2"); spacedCamel = spacedCamel.toLowerCase(); spacedCamel = spacedCamel.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + spacedCamel.substring(1,spacedCamel.length) return spacedCamel; }
Change the first line of your function to
The algorithm to this is as follows:
Javascript code:
Refer to this link
The very last version:
The old solution: