I would like to hide a specific woocommerce setting tab by user role. Not the entire submenu, but just a tab(checkout to be specific). I want shop managers to be able to access most of the settings, but be unable to affect the checkout settings.
How can I achieve this?
If you want to remove the tabs instead of hiding them using CSS, then you can add the following to yours theme functions.php:
This uses the WooCommerce 'woocommerce_settings_tabs_array' filter. For more information on all the WooCommerce filters and hooks you can look here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/wc-apidocs/hook-docs.html
This just has the added benefit that it is no longer in the HTML, so if anyone looks at the source, they won't find the elements.
You can still access the URLs. This is just a way of removing the tabs instead of hiding them.
EDIT: I've figured out how to stop access to the URLs. Copy the following:
This is pretty much the same as the first bit of code, apart from the array is structured differently and I've added a foreach. The foreach goes through the list of tabs we want to block, hooks into the 'woocommerce_settings_{$tab}' action which is used to show the settings pages.
Then I created a redirect_from_tab_page function to redirect the users to the default admin URL. This stops direct access to the different settings tabs.
Put this code in your theme/child theme functions.php or somewhere else:
The style will be output to html head only at wp-admin and the login user role is shop_manager.
For more about admin_head hook, please check https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/admin_head