It's very simple, trying to explain in a simple word.
get the today's date as below
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
System.out.println(calendar.getTime());// print today's date
calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
Now set one day ahead with this date by calendar.add method which takes (constant, value). Here constant could be DATE, hours, min, sec etc. and value is the value of constant. Like for one day, ahead constant is Calendar.DATE and its value are 1 because we want one day ahead value.
System.out.println(calendar.getTime());// print modified date which is tomorrow's date
long timeadj = 24*60*60*1000;
Date newDate = new Date (oldDate.getTime ()+timeadj);
This takes the number of milliseconds since epoch from oldDate and adds 1 day worth of milliseconds then uses the Date() public constructor to create a date using the new value. This method allows you to add 1 day, or any number of hours/minutes, not only whole days.
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" );
Date day = dateFormat.parse(string);
// add the day
Date dayAfter = new Date(day.getTime() + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1));
you can use Simple java.util lib
It's very simple, trying to explain in a simple word. get the today's date as below
Now set one day ahead with this date by calendar.add method which takes (constant, value). Here constant could be DATE, hours, min, sec etc. and value is the value of constant. Like for one day, ahead constant is Calendar.DATE and its value are 1 because we want one day ahead value.
System.out.println(calendar.getTime());// print modified date which is
tomorrow's dateThanks
This takes the number of milliseconds since epoch from oldDate and adds 1 day worth of milliseconds then uses the Date() public constructor to create a date using the new value. This method allows you to add 1 day, or any number of hours/minutes, not only whole days.
Apache Commons already has this DateUtils.addDays(Date date, int amount),%20int%29 which you use or you could go with the JodaTime to make it more cleaner.
Since Java 1.5 TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1) looks more clean to me.
Let's clarify the use case: You want to do calendar arithmetic and start/end with a java.util.Date.
Some approaches:
Consider using java.time.Instant: