I'm writing a Python program that selects some data from a Microsoft Access mdb file using PyODBC.
I need to discover the column names of several different tables. In SQL Server, this can be accomplished by using a query like
SELECT c.name FROM sys.columns c, sys.tables t
WHERE c.object_id = t.object_id
AND t.name = tableName
But that query doesn't work in Access. With
SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Flags)=0) AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=1))
ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name
I can get a list of non-linked table names, but MSysObject doesn't seem to contain a list of column names.
Is there a way to use SQL to grab the column names of a table in an Access database?
Python 3
To access by conlumn name
To access by conlumn index
I'm not sure about the limitations in querying that version of MS-Access, but a solution I've seen used in other similar situations is to SELECT * FROM table LIMIT = 0 (or 1 depending). You are then able to gather the returned column names from the result.
I was unable to find an SQL query to accomplish this. However, I did discover that PyODB has a cursor method that can return a list of columns