I know that fonts properties can be found in the TypeFace
class but I can't find the default characteristics of the writing in Android. I mean, if I take a TextView
and simply do setText("Blabla")
on it, what will I get? Which size in px? Which font? etc.
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For the newer 4.0 ICS etc there's the Android design pages which shows a list of font sizes:
All specified as 'sp' units
You can check the default style of the widgets here: android/res/values/styles.xml
Then, looking for Textview you reach
and after researching a little bit, you find out that this appearance is defined in the same styles.xml file
these colors are defined in /res/color/, check /res/color/secondary_text_dark.xml
Bookmarking the android/res/values folder is a must!
Update: my old links are broken, check Android core resources folder on Github. Thanks to kreker for the link.