What is the best way to go about compiling arm assembly code into xcode. I have those assembly files which are generated. Is there a way i can just include the .s file directly into the c code that i have. Or i will need to run an preprocessor first which would generate the .o file which i can link with my files. If that is the case, how do you do it in XCode.
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If you are having linking problems, remember Mach-O will be looking for the assembly methods to be prefixed with underscore. @A Person's example shows this, but does not point it out.
links against ASM method:
If you could post the exact compiler error xcode is spitting out then I might be able to come up with a better solution but my guess as of now is that you are forgetting to add the _ prefix do you functions in assembly.
Now in the C source file
The program should print
That is the first google result and whilst the answer is good, the actual way for me to do it is (Xcode 7.3.1; using real device)
under Xcode add an empty assembly file and use the code as above but add align statement
.globl _add_in_asm .align 4 _add_in_asm: add r0,r0,#1 bx lr
in the AppDelegate.m
include <stdio.h>
andunder the - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // Override point for customization after application launch.
extern int add_in_asm(int i); printf("result:%i\n", add_in_asm(10));
Having said that and after it was successfully run, it does not work after I close Xcode and restart it ... well one has to use real device and when restart, it would try to use emulator!!!!
If you see above message use real devices!
It appears that you just need to add the .s file into your project. Converting it into inline assembly for C is possible, but also fairly difficult, so I recommend against it.