some one know how custom/change image of FosFacebook login button ?
{{ facebook_login_button({'autologoutlink': true}) }}
And redirect on a full page facebook login not on pop-up.
some one know how custom/change image of FosFacebook login button ?
{{ facebook_login_button({'autologoutlink': true}) }}
And redirect on a full page facebook login not on pop-up.
This uses a twig helper and render a template with '' notation using facebook sdk js.
If you need to redirect to the login-page, use an html link, call the method 'getLoginUrl' from the php facebook sdk
You can access to it via the service
register through FOSFacebookBundleUpdated with code examples
Here is the javascript code i use to login with facebook 'frictionless'
I have also defined a route ( /login/facebook ) that redirects to facebook auth
And this is it !