I'm trying to automate the uploading of files to a SharePoint document library. I've run across countless posts (on this forum and others) but can't seem to get something that works. I'm not really a developer, though I have done some simple VBA and VB Script.
What I'm looking for is a solution to automatically upload a file (.xlsx and .zip types specifically) from a local machine to a specific SharePoint document library (let's use ".../sharepoint/Metrics/Forms/AllItems.aspx" as the list) using VBA or VB Script.
In researching the issue, here are some other thoughts/comments that hopefully will help someone in providing me a solution:
- I cannot change anything on the SharePoint server
- I need to be able to pass credentials when uploading the file
- I am only looking for VBA/VBS solutions (no C# or .NET)
- I might need to set metadata when uploading
Thank you in advance for any help.
What about mapping a Drive letter to a SharePoint document library. Then just copy/move files like normal?
Here is how I accomplished this task, now I need to find a way to check in the document via vbscript.
The following VBScript uploads a file using FrontPage RPC:
Please note that the file name should consist of ASCII characters only. Otherwise, the above script will not work.
Your best solution would be using FP RPC (that's frontpage remote procedure call). This is basically a web request, where you pass you metadata and file content as parameters. This can been done from any language, including VBA/VBS This is the formal description of the method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms479623.aspx You can find quite a few resources and code sample on how to build the utility