I have n
(e.g: n=3) scopes and x
(e.g: x=4) no of Variables defined in each scope.
The scopes are:
Once I compute the loss, I want to extract and provide all the variables from only one of the scope based on a criteria during run-time. Hence the index of the scope idx
that I select is an argmin tensor cast into int32
<tf.Tensor 'model/Cast:0' shape=() dtype=int32>
I have already tried:
train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, 'model/generator_'+tf.cast(idx, tf.string))
which obviously did not work.
Is there any way to get all the x
Variables belonging to that particular scope using idx to pass into the optimizer.
Thanks in advance!
Vignesh Srinivasan
You can do something like this in TF 1.0 rc1 or later: