I have a geometry that is defined with a list of (x,y) points in space. I would like to create a triangular mesh out of this data, so I tried the Triangulation function in matplotlib for this purpose. However, since my geometry has some curves, the algorithm is generating undesired triangles between the edges of my part:
Where the red curve is the edge of my geometry.
Is there any way to deal this issue? Maybe the Triangulation function is not what I need, in that case, do you have any recommendation on what to use?
The following code comes from this example. In the example they defined the triangles by explicitly naming three points instead of the Delaunay triangulation that I want to use by calling the function: triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
, and which will give me the same behavior than my original picture.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
import numpy as np
xy = np.asarray([
[-0.101, 0.872], [-0.080, 0.883], [-0.069, 0.888], [-0.054, 0.890],
[-0.045, 0.897], [-0.057, 0.895], [-0.073, 0.900], [-0.087, 0.898],
[-0.090, 0.904], [-0.069, 0.907], [-0.069, 0.921], [-0.080, 0.919],
[-0.073, 0.928], [-0.052, 0.930], [-0.048, 0.942], [-0.062, 0.949],
[-0.054, 0.958], [-0.069, 0.954], [-0.087, 0.952], [-0.087, 0.959],
[-0.080, 0.966], [-0.085, 0.973], [-0.087, 0.965], [-0.097, 0.965],
[-0.097, 0.975], [-0.092, 0.984], [-0.101, 0.980], [-0.108, 0.980],
[-0.104, 0.987], [-0.102, 0.993], [-0.115, 1.001], [-0.099, 0.996],
[-0.101, 1.007], [-0.090, 1.010], [-0.087, 1.021], [-0.069, 1.021],
[-0.052, 1.022], [-0.052, 1.017], [-0.069, 1.010], [-0.064, 1.005],
[-0.048, 1.005], [-0.031, 1.005], [-0.031, 0.996], [-0.040, 0.987],
[-0.045, 0.980], [-0.052, 0.975], [-0.040, 0.973], [-0.026, 0.968],
[-0.020, 0.954], [-0.006, 0.947], [ 0.003, 0.935], [ 0.006, 0.926],
[ 0.005, 0.921], [ 0.022, 0.923], [ 0.033, 0.912], [ 0.029, 0.905],
[ 0.017, 0.900], [ 0.012, 0.895], [ 0.027, 0.893], [ 0.019, 0.886],
[ 0.001, 0.883], [-0.012, 0.884], [-0.029, 0.883], [-0.038, 0.879],
[-0.057, 0.881], [-0.062, 0.876], [-0.078, 0.876], [-0.087, 0.872],
[-0.030, 0.907], [-0.007, 0.905], [-0.057, 0.916], [-0.025, 0.933],
[-0.077, 0.990], [-0.059, 0.993]])
x = np.degrees(xy[:, 0])
y = np.degrees(xy[:, 1])
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.triplot(triang, 'bo-', lw=1)
If you have the outline of the shape within to plot the triangulation you may apply the answer by @ThomasKühn.
Else, you may have a maximum distance between points above which triangles should not be taken into account. In that case you may mask those triangles out.
The narrow lines show all triangles (the convex hull of the points), the bold lines show only those triangles where no side-length is larger then some maximum values (in this case chosen to be
).This thread may equally be relevant: matplotlib contour/contourf of **concave** non-gridded data
If the shape of the geometry is well defined, say by a curve, one can check for each triangle whether it lies within the shape or not. One can then define a mask and mask out undesired triangles. I found a solution using
, where define a polygon for the original shape (outline
) and a polygon for each resulting triangle ofTriangulation()
, for which I then check whether it lies insideoutline
or not:The result of the code looks something like this:
I wasn't quite sure what the OP wants, so on the left side I use only the points of the edge, while on the right side I added some random extra points for triangulation. In the picture, the outline of the shape is plotted in red, the original result of the Delaunay triangulation is plotted with a black dashed line, and the masked triangulation is plotted in blue.
I just noticed, that apparently one of the outline points is not included on the right side picture after the filtering. This must be due to numerical inaccuracies. One way to get around this is to increase the size of the outline slightly with the
command. Something like this seems appropriate for the problem at hand:but the actual amount of buffering probably has to be adjusted.