How to wrap asynchronous and gen functions together in Tornado? My code looks like below, the error is 'Future' object has no attribute 'body'.
Did I place the decorators in a wrong way?
import tornado.httpclient
import tornado.web
import tornado.gen
import tornado.httpserver
import tornado.ioloop
class Class1(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self.get_argument('url', None)
response = self.json_fetch('POST', url, self.request.body)
def json_fetch(self, method, url, body=None, *args, **kwargs):
client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
headers = tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders({"content-type": "application/json charset=utf-8"})
request = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url, method, headers, body)
yield tornado.gen.Task(client.fetch, request)
You don't need "asynchronous" in this code example. "gen.engine" is obsolete, use "coroutine" instead. You don't generally need to use "gen.Task" much these days, either. Make four changes to your code:
The result:
Further reading:
The recommended method in tornado official documentation is using @tornado.gen.coroutine and yield together.
If you want to use both asynchronous and advantage of yield, you should nesting @tornado.web.asynchronous decorator followed by @tornado.gen.engine
Documentation about "asynchronous call own function" but without additional external callback-function — Asynchronous and non-Blocking I/O
You can make your json_fetch like this:
Or like this (from A. Jesse Jiryu Davis's answer):
* wrap "post" in "gen.coroutine" and "yield" call of json_fetch.
** "raise gen.Return(response)" for Python2 only, in Python3.3 and later you should write "return response".
Thanks to A. Jesse Jiryu Davis for link "Tornado async request handlers", "Asynchronous and non-Blocking I/O" was found there.