I'm looking for suggestions on creating graphs with PHP. I would also like to be able to export these graphs to a PDF document.
I am currently using google graphs but I don't like the idea of sending all my information to Google. I'd prefer my own in hosted solution.
I have seen a lot of Flash solutions but i'm not aware of any way to export the SWF's to PDF.
Any pointers greatly appreciated.
I've used the Google Charts API before and inserted them into pdfs using FPDF.
You can use Javascript, Highcharts is free for non-commercial usage. And it has PDF export options too.
one of the best graph api library is Rgraph.
We make pdf reports on the fly. These documents have both text and pictures. The pdf is made with TCPDF and the pictures with php GD library. Both library's are free.
Lot of tools like PHPGraphLib, JPGraph this both produce images that you can embedd into pdfs
Could something like SVGGraph plus SVG to PDF work?