How do you roll back a failed rails migration? I would expect that rake db:rollback
would undo the failed migration, but no, it rolls back the previous migration (the failed migration minus one). And rake db:migrate:down VERSION=myfailedmigration
doesn't work either. I've ran into this a few times and it's very frustrating. Here's a simple test I made to duplicate the problem:
class SimpleTest < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :assets, :test, :integer
# the following syntax error will cause the migration to fail
add_column :asset, :test2, :integer
def self.down
remove_column :assets, :test
remove_column :assets, :test2
== SimpleTest: migrating ===================================================== -- add_column(:assets, :test, :integer) -> 0.0932s -- add_column(:asset, :error) rake aborted! An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled: wrong number of arguments (2 for 3)
ok, lets roll it back:
$ rake db:rollback == AddLevelsToRoles: reverting =============================================== -- remove_column(:roles, :level) -> 0.0778s == AddLevelsToRoles: reverted (0.0779s) ======================================
huh? that was my last migration before SimpleTest, not the failed migration. (And oh, it would be nice if the migration output included the version number.)
So lets try running the down for the failed migration SimpleTest:
$ rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20090326173033 $
Nothing happens, and no output either. But maybe it ran the migration anyway? So lets fix the syntax error in the SimpleTest migration, and try to run it again.
$ rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20090326173033 == SimpleTest: migrating ===================================================== -- add_column(:assets, :test, :integer) rake aborted! Mysql::Error: Duplicate column name 'test': ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `test` int(11)
Nope. Obviously the migrate:down didn't work. It's not failing, it's just not executing.
No way to get rid of that duplicate table other than manually going into the database and removing it, and then running the test. There's got to be a better way than that.
To go to a specified version just use:
But if a migration fails part way, you'll have to clean it up first. One way would be:
method of the migration to just undo the part of theup
that workeddown
)Run just the down migration from the console: (click through to his pastie)
I had a typo (in "add_column"):
and then your problem (cannot undo partly failed migration). after some failed googling i ran this:
as you can see i just added the correction line by hand, and then removed it again, before i checked it in.
Unfortunately, you must manually clean up failed migrations for MySQL. MySQL does not support transactional database definition changes.
Rails 2.2 includes transactional migrations for PostgreSQL. Rails 2.3 includes transactional migrations for SQLite.
This doesn't really help you for your problem right now, but if you have a choice of database on future projects, I recommend using one with support for transactional DDL because it makes migrations much more pleasant.
Update - this is still true in 2017, on Rails 4.2.7 and MySQL 5.7, reported by Alejandro Babio in another answer here.
At 2015 with Rails 4.2.1 and MySQL 5.7, a failed migration can't be fixed with standard rake actions that Rails provide, as it was at 2009.
MySql does not support rollback of DDL statments (at MySQL 5.7 Manual). And Rails can not do anything with that.
Also, we can check how Rails is doing the job: A migration is wrapped in a transaction depending on how connection adapter respond to
. After a search of this action at rails source (v 4.2.1), I found that only Sqlite3 and PostgreSql supports transactions, and by default it is not supported.Edit Thus the current answer to the original question: A failed MySQL migration must be manually fixed.
OK, folks, here's how you actually do it. I don't know what the above answers are talking about.
You can migrate down and back up again if you want to verify that you've got it right now.