In WooCommerce, I have set different shipping methods, but one in particular must be exclusive for companies.
For this I am using the following code:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', array( $this, 'package_rates' ), 10, 2 );
public function package_rates( $rates, $package ) {
$company_rate_id = 'flat_rate:7';
$company_rates = $rates[ $company_rate_id ];
$rates = array( $company_rate_id => $company_rates );
unset( $rates[ $company_rate_id ] );
return $rates;
The solution works, but only if the billing company already exist and is saved in the database. So if a customer updates this information on the checkout page, it doesn't work.
A possible solution would be to save this field live (billing_company).
I tried the following function:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'trigger_update_checkout_on_change' );
function trigger_update_checkout_on_change( $fields ) {
$fields['billing']['billing_company']['class'][] = 'update_totals_on_change';
return $fields;
This updates the shipping method, the problem is that again, the field is not saved in the database and the package_rates()
function can not find it live.
This is a bit more complicated than that… jQuery and Ajax code are required to allow showing/hiding shipping methods based on a checkout field user input.
The following code will enable show/hide pre defined shipping methods based on checkout billing company field:
Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.
Related: Remove shipping cost if custom checkbox is checked in WooCommerce Checkout