I have a PySpark Dataframe
with a column of strings
. How can I check which rows in it are Numeric. I could not find any function in PySpark's official documentation -
values = [('25q36',),('75647',),('13864',),('8758K',),('07645',)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(values,['ID',])
| ID|
In Python, there is a function .isDigit()
which returns True
or False
if the string
contains just numbers or not.
Expected DataFrame -
| ID| Value |
|25q36| False |
|75647| True |
|13864| True |
|8758K| False |
|07645| True |
I will like to avoid creating a UDF
Try this, is Scala language
If you want you can also build a custom
for this purpose:A simple cast would do the job :