I'm having trouble adding a popover to an event when it is clicked. the popover seems to show up only in the event slot, not on top of the event slot. additionally, since i created a custom component for the events and tried to implement the popover in the custom component, the popover only shows up whenever i click the name of the event.
Here is the code:
class CustomEvent extends React.Component {
let popoverClickRootClose = (
<Popover id="popover-trigger-click-root-close" style={{zIndex:10000}}>
<strong>Holy guacamole!</strong> Check this info.
return (
<OverlayTrigger id="help" trigger="click" rootClose container={this} placement="bottom" overlay={popoverClickRootClose}>
where in calendar, the prop components={{event:CustomEvent}}
Can you try this:
<Popover id="popover-trigger-click-root-close" style={{opacity:1}}>
the problem is your fadeIn and fadeOut classes are not working properly so opacity never goes from 0 to 1.
this is not the perfect solution as you are only paiting over the problem but should get you in the right direction.
The problem seem to be with the calendar overflow and positions.
I added the following