We have the following setup with httpd webservers as shown below:
Heres the scenario: Server A takes the request from Browser does some operations and creates a new request and sends it to Server B. User X is authenticated on Server B, but User Y is not (and it is not supposed to). Since A is creating a new request, B is thinking that Y has sent the request and so denying it. Removing Server A is not an option. How do I solve this. Can you please help?
This can be solved by delegation: server A should authenticate itself as user X while making request to server B.
Kerberos delegation is sometimes called "a double hop": http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2008/06/13/understanding-kerberos-double-hop.aspx
Active Directory administrators might not like the idea of giving service A right to delegate tickets (i.e. logging in to any other service in domain as user X). That's why a "constrained delegation" was introduced few years ago. It enables AD administrators to let service A log in as user X only to server B. They can set that on activeDirectory account representing service A.