I want to use Rounded Corner Button in my asp.net application. Do we have anything in ASP.NET 3.5 which helps us to make a rounded corner button ?
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As p.cambell told you, the tecnique at this link works great: http://www.oscaralexander.com/tutorials/how-to-make-sexy-buttons-with-css.html
But you've to substitute your "button" server control with an HyperLink server control , this because, the css is applied to the "a" tag.
So, in Visual Studio, instead draw a button, draw an HyperLink with CssClass="button"
How about applying a CSS style to your button?
Sample code, demo, tutorial at Oscar Alexander
Using the code there, you can ensure all buttons get the style exactly as you want.
You could use the ajax control toolkit which has a rounded corners extender. Personally I have never used it in a project. I use the css3 border-radius and just let the IE users live with the square borders until their browser catches up (http://www.cssportal.com/css3-rounded-corner)
Here is the link to the control extender sample. http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/RoundedCorners/RoundedCorners.aspx
Here is the control and css that I'm using. My button is square, but it is not the case. You can create the rounded image by youself.