I'm new to Blackberry and I'm trying to get post a search term to a server in xml. But I keep getting this error Request Failed. Reason Java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
I wanted to check if the connection works before I parse the data so from this connection, am expecting to receive the response text in xml. Below is the code:
public void webPost(String word) {
word = encode (word);
String responseText;
HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection)Connector.open("http://some url.xml");
String postData = "username=loginapi&password=myapilogin&term="+ word;
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0");
OutputStream requestOut = connection.openOutputStream();
InputStream detailIn = connection.openInputStream();
byte info[]=new byte[(int)connection.getLength()];
responseText=new String(info);
requestSuceeded(requestOut.toString(), responseText);
catch(Exception ex){
private void requestSuceeded(String result, String responseText) {
if(responseText.startsWith("text/xml")) {
String strResult = new String(result);
synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()) {
} else{
synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()) {
Dialog.alert("Unknown content type: " + responseText);
public void requestFailed(final String message) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Dialog.alert("Request failed. Reason: " + message);
private String encode(String textIn) {
//encode text for http post
textIn = textIn.replace(' ','+');
String textout = "";
for(int i=0;i< textIn.length();i++){
char wcai = textIn.charAt(i);
if(!Character.isDigit(wcai) && !Character.isLowerCase(wcai) && !Character.isUpperCase(wcai) && wcai!='+'){
case '.':
case '-':
case '*':
case '_':
textout = textout+wcai;
textout = textout+"%"+Integer.toHexString(wcai).toUpperCase();//=textout.concat("%").concat(Integer.toHexString(wcai));
textout = textout+wcai;//=textout.concat(wcai+"");
return textout;
connection.getLength() is returning -1.
Before creating info array, check the length of the connection.
Ref: http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Java-Development/HttpConnection-set-to-POST-does-not-work/m-p/344946
Ref1: Blackberry send a HTTPPost request
Ref2: http://www.blackberryforums.com/developer-forum/181071-http-post-passing-parameters-urls.html
Something like this:
Found it! I forgot to open the Output Stream connection
requestOut = connection.openOutputStream();
and I introduced
which helped me finally display the input stream. I also, changed the way I was sending parameters, and usedURLEncodedPostData
type instead. Since the server was interpreting my former request as a GET instead of a POST. And all I have to do now is to parse the info coming in.PS. I posted the above code to help anyone with the same problem.
PPS. I also used Kalai's format and it helped wonderfully.
I guess when you do
InputStream does not know its length, so it returns -1.
see http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t143704-inputstream-length.html
java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException indicates that you are trying to initialize an array with a negative length.
The only code that is initializing is -
You might want to add a check for length before you initialize the array
I'm assuming
returns -1 when you try to initialize your array here:And that being the reason for the NegativeArraySizeException.