I've got google map on my webapp - working with the JavaScript API V3. I give my users the ability to manage some routes, using the google map directions. Now, my problem is that I want to give them the ability to print it (just the map, not the entire website).
I've tried the following:
var OpenWindow = window.open("_blank", "", '');
var contents = document.getElementById("mapMainCanvas");
This indeed open a new tab with the map, but without the directions. Also, I couldn't find any "print" option in the API. Does anybody solved this problem?
Try this:
I hope it will work!
(Please let me know if it does or not.)
Could you create a print stylesheet and use a CSS to make it only print out the map, by hiding everything else? You may need to fiddle with classes using jQuery/other if you want users to be able to print that page normally.
Instructions on starting with print stylesheets can be found here: http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2011/11/24/how-to-set-up-a-print-style-sheet/