I have set up authentication in a Spring WebFlux application. The authentication mechanism appears to work fine. For example the following code is used to set up security web filter chain:
public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http.authorizeExchange()
This works as expected in conjunction with the UserDetailsRepositoryReactiveAuthenticationManager and MapReactiveUserDetailsService. If a user doesn't have the required authority a forbidden error code is returned and otherwise the request is passed on to the handler.
I have a requirement to apply fine grained permission checks within the handler itself and figured that I should be able to retrieve the authorities from the request as follows:
public Mono<ServerResponse> getMyResource(ServerRequest serverRequest) {
Authentication authentication = (Authentication)serverRequest.principal().block();
However, I find that the principal is always null. First, is this the correct way to get a handle on the authorities, and if so is there possibly some upstream configuration I'm missing?
You are blocking the result before is available. You can simply flatmap it so that you don't have to block it.
UPDATE: If you want to retrieve the principal and body you could zip them.