Is it guarantees by the standard the order of the characters? Can i count that '1' symbol are followed in the character set table by the '2' symbol, for example? Or is it platform-specific?
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The C standard from 1999 says this about the character sets:
The standard calls for numeric chars to be sequential, and indeed for all platforms I'm aware of '0' through '9' are, in fact, ordered and sequential. The same can NOT be said about alphabets in general. I point you to any of the EBCDIC platforms (AS/400, OS390, etc) for samples where this is most definitely not the case.
I.e. you can reliable do this:
but you can NOT reliable do this:
and expect the latter to sling through 26 iterations. It will be platform dependent.
Note: It is NOT specified in the standard that order outside of the digits (which are both ordered and sequential) is guaranteed. Still, all platforms i've worked on (and that is a big number) exhibit consistent order properties even to alphabets, but only similar case. I.e. 'a' is always "less than" 'z'. But just like a bad penny, then comes back in EBCDIC platforms. For standard platforms 'A' is always less than 'z', but not in EBCDIC.
Bottom line: except for digit chars, you can't reliably assume near-anything about order or sequence and still maintain pure platform independence.