There appears to be many packages for getting/formatting the current date, or finding out the date n time intervals from now. But I must be overlooking the existence of a simple method to set the date (like Windows' date.exe) in Python.
Surely such a function exists? I've been unable to find anything on Google, the python docs (datetime, time, os, etc) or stack overflow. TIA.
edit: To summarize,this page tells you how to get them.
And you can set them using either
os.system("date " + mm/dd/yy)
date.exe also appears to accept mm-dd-yy, 4-digit years, and probably other alternatives.
I prefer the latter for simplicity.
Can you not use os.system("shell_cmd_in_here") to call the linux cmd:
This would set the system date to: 2 Oct 2010 18:00:00 for example.
So altogether it is:
A sudo might be needed here though.
You should be able to use win32api.SetSystemTime. This is part of pywin32.