I suggest that you create a COM-visible proxy for your service using .NET (and WCF!), then consume it from Delphi as you would any COM object.
There are several reasons why implementing a native client for a WCF service listening on a NetNamedPipesBinding endpoint is extremely complex. See http://blogs.charteris.com/blogs/chrisdi for more details.
Yes, you should be able to do this, as long as you can get Delphi 2007 to communicate with the Windows named pipes.
Here's an article at Delphi 3000 about how to use Delphi to communicate with named pipes, including some code samples.
Since named pipes are a basic core feature of Windows NT/XP/Vista, Delphi should be able to communicate with those no problem (reading + writing).
Does that help at all? Marc
I suggest that you create a COM-visible proxy for your service using .NET (and WCF!), then consume it from Delphi as you would any COM object.
There are several reasons why implementing a native client for a WCF service listening on a NetNamedPipesBinding endpoint is extremely complex. See http://blogs.charteris.com/blogs/chrisdi for more details.