I have a main app view, with a filter menu in the header. When it's clicked, I want to filter content in a seperate news-feed view. But I don't know how to bind events (and pass class data) from clicks in one view to a function in another.
How can I accomplish this?
There are a number of ways to accomplish this, but probably you want to create a model object, which is shared between the two views. Then on 'click' in view one, update the model object, and bind 'on change' in view two to the model object.
Basically, you can set up both views to stay in sync with the model object, and any changes to the object will result in changes to the view.
Everything in Backbone inherits from Backbone.Events, so you can trigger and bind events from anywhere (docs for Backbone.Events):
Note that in this example, when v2.eventHandler is called, 'this' will refer to v1. See the backbone docs for more.