I have the following XML provided by a customer from which I need to extract items like:
Treating each <CustomerProducts>
section as a seperate order.
I can get to <CustomerProducts>
and extract the <CustomerProductName>
without a problem and iterate over the value in each section.
But I can't see how I get to the values below it. If someone could someone give me some pointers as to how to achieve thIs would be gratefull as I have been trying for over a day now.
The basic code is below the XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Products_IPN VendorID="11344" >
<CustomerProducts CustomerProductName="Test" ProductCount="7">
<Products ProductType="BOOK" ProductName="Donald" >
<ProductComponents ProductAssetName="Donald.pdf" />
<ProductSpecs SpecClass="MEASUREMENT" SpecType="MARGINS" SpecValue="PER FILE"/>
<ProductSpecs SpecClass="OPERATION" SpecType="BIND" SpecValue="SADDLE"/>
<Products ProductType="BOOK" ProductName="Duck">
<ProductComponents ProductAssetName="Duck.pdf"/>
<ProductSpecs SpecClass="MEASUREMENT" SpecType="MARGINS" SpecValue="PER FILE"/>
<CustomerProducts CustomerProductName="Test2" ProductCount="2">
<Products ProductType="BOOK" ProductName="Micky">
<ProductComponents ProductAssetName="Mouse.pdf" />
<ProductComponents ProductAssetName="Mouse.pdf" />
<ProductSpecs SpecClass="MEASUREMENT" SpecType="MARGINS" SpecValue="PER FILE"/>
<CustomerProductSpecs SpecClass="OPERATION" SpecType="KITTING" SpecValue="SHRINKWRAP KIT"/>
<CustomerProducts CustomerProductName="Test3" ProductCount="6">
<Products ProductType="BOOK" ProductName="Minnie">
<ProductComponents ProductAssetName="Mouse" />
<ProductSpecs SpecClass="MEASUREMENT" SpecType="MARGINS" SpecValue="PER FILE"/>
And here my VBScript code so far
Dim xmlDoc, objNodeList, plot
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
xmlDoc.load("E:\dropbox\Dropbox\Hobbs\Xerox Example Files\test.xml")
Set objNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("CustomerProducts")
plot="No Value"
If objNodeList.length > 0 then
For each x in objNodeList
msgbox JobName
msgbox chr(34) & "CustomerProducts" & chr(34) & " field not found."
End If
You already set the selection language to XPath, maybe you should use it, too. :)