I want to programmatically parse and edit C++ source files. I need to change/add code in certain sections of code (i.e. in functions, class blocks, etc). I would also (preferably) be able to get comments as well.
Part of what I want to do can be explained by the following piece of code:
CPlusPlusSourceParser cp = new CPlusPlusSourceParser(“x.cpp”); // Create C++ Source Parser Object
CPlusPlusSourceFunction[] funcs = cp.getFunctions(); // Get all the functions
for (int i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) { // Loop through all functions
funcs[i].append(/* … code I want to append …*/); // Append some code to function
cp.save(); // Save new source
cp.close(); // Close file
How can I do that?
I’d like to be able to do this preferably in Java, C++, Perl, Python or C#. However, I am open to other language API’s.
You need a working grammar and parser for C++ which is, however, not too easy as this can't be constructed with most parser generators out there. But once you have a parser you can actually take the abstract syntax tree of the program and alter it in nearly any way you want.
The Mozilla project has a tool that does this.
The Clang static analyzer is now somewhat famous for doing a good job analyzing and rewriting C++. Stroustrup wrote a paper about a research project at Texas A&M, but I don't think it's been released.
have a look at the doxygen project, its a open source project, to parse and document several programming languages, C++ included. I believe using this project's lexer will get you more than half the way
This is similar to AST from C code
If your comfortable with Java antlr can easily parser your code into an abstract syntax tree, and then apply transformation to that tree. A default AST transform is to simply print out the original source.
You can use any parser generator tool to generate a c++ parser for you, but first you have to get the CFG (context free grammar) for C++ , check Antlr
Also Antlr supports a lot of target languages
In a C# -- or general .net -- approach, you might be able to get some use out of the C++/CLI CodeDOM provider -- having not used the C++ version of this type, I don't know how well it would handle code that is template heavy.