R plyr, data.table, apply certain columns of data.

2020-07-14 10:01发布

I am looking for ways to speed up my code. I am looking into the apply/ply methods as well as data.table. Unfortunately, I am running into problems.

Here is a small sample data:

ids1   <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)
ids2   <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4)
chars1 <- c("aa", " bb ", "__cc__", "dd  ", "__ee", NA,NA, "n/a")
chars2 <- c("vv", "_ ww_", "  xx  ", "yy__", "  zz", NA, "n/a", "n/a")
data   <- data.frame(col1 = ids1, col2 = ids2, 
                 col3 = chars1, col4 = chars2, 
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Here is a solution using loops:

cols_to_fix <- c("col3","col4")
for (i in 1:length(cols_to_fix)) {
  data[,cols_to_fix[i]] <- gsub("_", "", data[,cols_to_fix[i]])
  data[,cols_to_fix[i]] <- gsub(" ", "", data[,cols_to_fix[i]])
  data[,cols_to_fix[i]] <- ifelse(data[,cols_to_fix[i]]=="n/a", NA, data[,cols_to_fix[i]])

I initially looked at ddply, but some methods I want to use only take vectors. Hence, I cannot figure out how to do ddply across just certain columns one-by-one.

Also, I have been looking at laply, but I want to return the original data.frame with the changes. Can anyone help me? Thank you.

Based on the suggestions from earlier, here is what I tried to use from the plyr package.

Option 1:

data[,cols_to_fix] <- aaply(data[,cols_to_fix],2, function(x){
   x <- gsub("_", "", x,perl=TRUE)
   x <- gsub(" ", "", x,perl=TRUE)
   x <- ifelse(x=="n/a", NA, x)
},.progress = "text",.drop = FALSE)

Option 2:

data[,cols_to_fix] <- alply(data[,cols_to_fix],2, function(x){
   x <- gsub("_", "", x,perl=TRUE)
   x <- gsub(" ", "", x,perl=TRUE)
   x <- ifelse(x=="n/a", NA, x)
},.progress = "text")

Option 3:

data[,cols_to_fix] <- adply(data[,cols_to_fix],2, function(x){
   x <- gsub("_", "", x,perl=TRUE)
   x <- gsub(" ", "", x,perl=TRUE)
   x <- ifelse(x=="n/a", NA, x)
},.progress = "text")

None of these are giving me the correct answer.

apply works great, but my data is very large and the progress bars from plyr package would be a very nice. Thanks again.

2楼-- · 2020-07-14 10:07

No need for loops (for or *ply):

tmp <- gsub("[_ ]", "", as.matrix(data[,cols_to_fix]), perl=TRUE)
tmp[tmp=="n/a"] <- NA
data[,cols_to_fix] <- tmp


I only benchmark Arun's data.table solution and my matrix solution. I assume that many columns need to be fixed.

Benchmark code:


K <- 1000; N <- 1e5
foo <- function(K) paste(sample(c(letters, "_", " "), 8, replace=TRUE), collapse="")
bar <- function(K) replicate(K, foo(), simplify=TRUE)
data <- data.frame(id1=sample(5, K, TRUE), 
                   id2=sample(5, K, TRUE)
data <- cbind(data, matrix(sample(bar(K), N, TRUE), ncol=N/K))

cols_to_fix <- as.character(seq_len(N/K))

benchfun <- function() {
  time1 <- system.time({
    DT <- data.table(data)
    for (j in cols_to_fix) {
      set(DT, i=NULL, j=j, value=gsub("[ _]", "", DT[[j]], perl=TRUE))
      set(DT, i=which(DT[[j]] == "n/a"), j=j, value=NA_character_)

  data2 <- data
  time2 <- system.time({
    tmp <- gsub("[_ ]", "", as.matrix(data2[,cols_to_fix]), perl=TRUE)
    tmp[tmp=="n/a"] <- NA   
    data2[,cols_to_fix] <- tmp

  list(identical= identical(as.data.frame(DT), data2),
       data.table_timing= time1[[3]],

replicate(3, benchfun())

Benchmark results:

#100 columns to fix, nrow=1e5
#                  [,1]   [,2]  [,3]  
#identical         TRUE   TRUE  TRUE  
#data.table_timing 6.001  5.571 5.602 
#matrix_timing     17.906 17.21 18.343

#1000 columns to fix, nrow=1e4
#                  [,1]   [,2]   [,3]  
#identical         TRUE   TRUE   TRUE  
#data.table_timing 4.509  4.574  4.857 
#matrix_timing     13.604 14.219 13.234

#1000 columns to fix, nrow=100
#                  [,1]  [,2]  [,3] 
#identical         TRUE  TRUE  TRUE 
#data.table_timing 0.052 0.052 0.055
#matrix_timing     0.134 0.128 0.127

#100 columns to fix, nrow=1e5 and including 
#data1 <- as.data.frame(DT) in the timing
#                           [,1]  [,2]  [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]   [,7]   [,8]   [,9]   [,10] 
#identical                  TRUE  TRUE  TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE  
#data.table_timing          5.642 5.58  5.762  5.382  5.419  5.633  5.508  5.578  5.634  5.397 
#data.table_returnDF_timing 5.973 5.808 5.817  5.705  5.736  5.841  5.759  5.833  5.689  5.669 
#matrix_timing              20.89 20.3  19.988 20.271 19.177 19.676 20.836 20.098 20.005 19.409

data.table is faster only by a factor of three. This advantage could probably be even smaller, if we decide to change the data structure (as the data.table solution does) and keep it a matrix.

3楼-- · 2020-07-14 10:07

Here's a benchmark of all the different answers:

First, all the answers as separate functions:

1) Arun's

arun <- function(data, cols_to_fix) {
    DT <- data.table(data)
    for (j in cols_to_fix) {
        set(DT, i=NULL, j=j, value=gsub("[ _]", "", DT[[j]], perl=TRUE))
        set(DT, i=which(DT[[j]] == "n/a"), j=j, value=NA_character_)

2) Martin's

martin <- function(data, cols) {
    DT <- data.table(data)    
    colfun = function(col) {
        col <- gsub("_", "", col)
        col <- gsub(" ", "", col)
        col <- ifelse(col=="n/a", NA, col)
    DT[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, colfun), .SDcols = cols]

3) Roland's

roland <- function(data, cols_to_fix) {
    tmp <- gsub("[_ ]", "", as.matrix(data[,cols_to_fix]))
    tmp[tmp=="n/a"] <- NA   
    data[,cols_to_fix] <- tmp

4) BrodieG's

brodieg <- function(data, cols_to_fix) {
    fix_fun <- function(x) gsub("(_| )", "", ifelse(x == "n/a", NA_character_, x))
    data[, cols_to_fix] <- apply(data[, cols_to_fix], 2, fix_fun)

5) Josilber's

josilber <- function(data, cols_to_fix) {
    colfun2 <- function(col) {
        col <- gsub("_", "", col)
        col <- gsub(" ", "", col)
        col <- ifelse(col=="n/a", NA, col)
    data[,cols_to_fix] <- apply(data[,cols_to_fix], 2, colfun2)

2) benchmarking function:

We'll run this function 3 times and take the minimum of the run (removes cache effects) to be the runtime:

bench <- function(data, cols_to_fix) {
    ans <- c( 
        system.time(arun(data, cols_to_fix))["elapsed"], 
        system.time(martin(data, cols_to_fix))["elapsed"], 
        system.time(roland(data, cols_to_fix))["elapsed"], 
        system.time(brodieg(data, cols_to_fix))["elapsed"],
        system.time(josilber(data, cols_to_fix))["elapsed"]

3) On (slightly) big data with just 2 cols to fix (like in OP's example here):

K <- 1000; N <- 1e5
foo <- function(K) paste(sample(c(letters, "_", " "), 8, replace=TRUE), collapse="")
bar <- function(K) replicate(K, foo(), simplify=TRUE)
data <- data.frame(id1=sample(5, N, TRUE), 
                   id2=sample(5, N, TRUE), 
                   col3=sample(bar(K), N, TRUE), 
                   col4=sample(bar(K), N, TRUE)

rown <- c("arun", "martin", "roland", "brodieg", "josilber")
coln <- paste("run", 1:3, sep="")
cols_to_fix <- c("col3","col4")
ans <- matrix(0L, nrow=5L, ncol=3L)
for (i in 1:3) {
    ans[, i] <- bench(data, cols_to_fix)
rownames(ans) <- rown
colnames(ans) <- coln

#           run1  run2  run3
# arun     0.149 0.140 0.142
# martin   0.643 0.629 0.621
# roland   1.741 1.708 1.761
# brodieg  1.926 1.919 1.899
# josilber 2.067 2.041 2.162
The star\"
4楼-- · 2020-07-14 10:19

Here's a data.table solution using set.

DT <- data.table(data)
for (j in cols_to_fix) {
    set(DT, i=NULL, j=j, value=gsub("[ _]", "", DT[[j]], perl=TRUE))
    set(DT, i=which(DT[[j]] == "n/a"), j=j, value=NA_character_)

#    col1 col2 col3 col4
# 1:    1    1   aa   vv
# 2:    1    2   bb   ww
# 3:    1    3   cc   xx
# 4:    1    4   dd   yy
# 5:    2    1   ee   zz
# 6:    2    2   NA   NA
# 7:    2    3   NA   NA
# 8:    2    4   NA   NA

First line reads: set in DT for all i(=NULL), and column=j the value gsub(..).
Second line reads: set in DT where i(=condn) and column=j with value NA_character_.

Note: Using PCRE (perl=TRUE) has nice speed-up, especially on bigger vectors.

5楼-- · 2020-07-14 10:20

The apply version is the way to go. Looks like @josilber came up with the same answer, but this one is slightly different (note regexp).

fix_fun <- function(x) gsub("(_| )", "", ifelse(x == "n/a", NA_character_, x))
data[, cols_to_fix] <- apply(data[, cols_to_fix], 2, fix_fun)

More importantly, generally you want to use ddply and data.table when you want to do split-apply-combine analysis. In this case, all your data belongs to the same group (there aren't any subgroups you're doing anything different with), so you might as well use apply.

The 2 at the center of the apply statement means we want to subset the input by the 2nd dimension, and pass the result (in this case vectors, each representing a column from your data frame in cols_to_fix) to the function that does the work. apply then re-assembles the result, and we assign it back to the columns in cols_to_fix. If we had used 1 instead, apply would have passed the rows in our data frame to the function. Here is the result:

#   col1 col2 col3 col4
# 1    1    1   aa   vv
# 2    1    2   bb   ww
# 3    1    3   cc   xx
# 4    1    4   dd   yy
# 5    2    1   ee   zz
# 6    2    2 <NA> <NA>
# 7    2    3 <NA> <NA>
# 8    2    4 <NA> <NA>

If you do have sub-groups, then I recommend you use data.table. Once you get used to the syntax it's hard to beat for convenience and speed. It will also do efficient joins across data sets.

6楼-- · 2020-07-14 10:21

I think you can do this with regular old apply, which will call your cleanup function on each column (margin=2):

fxn = function(col) {
  col <- gsub("_", "", col)
  col <- gsub(" ", "", col)
  col <- ifelse(col=="n/a", NA, col)
data[,cols_to_fix] <- apply(data[,cols_to_fix], 2, fxn)
#   col1 col2 col3 col4
# 1    1    1   aa   vv
# 2    1    2   bb   ww
# 3    1    3   cc   xx
# 4    1    4   dd   yy
# 5    2    1   ee   zz
# 6    2    2 <NA> <NA>
# 7    2    3 <NA> <NA>
# 8    2    4 <NA> <NA>

Edit: it sounds like you're requiring the use of the plyr package. I'm not an expert in plyr, but this seemed to work:

data[,cols_to_fix] <- t(laply(data[,cols_to_fix], fxn))
7楼-- · 2020-07-14 10:26

Here is a data.table solution, should be faster if your table is large. The concept of := is an "update" of the columns. I believe that because of this you aren't copying the table internally again as a "normal" dataframe solution would.

DT <- data.table(data)

fxn = function(col) {
  col = gsub("[ _]", "", col, perl = TRUE)
  col[which(col == "n/a")] <- NA_character_

cols = c("col3", "col4");

# lapply your function
DT[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, fxn), .SDcols = cols]
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