When should you not use virtual destructors?

2019-01-16 07:43发布

Is there ever a good reason to not declare a virtual destructor for a class? When should you specifically avoid writing one?

2楼-- · 2019-01-16 08:11

A virtual destructor is needed whenever there is any chance that delete might be called on a pointer to an object of a subclass with the type of your class. This makes sure the correct destructor gets called at run time without the compiler having to know the class of an object on the heap at compile time. For example, assume B is a subclass of A:

A *x = new B;
delete x;     // ~B() called, even though x has type A*

If your code is not performance critical, it would be reasonable to add a virtual destructor to every base class you write, just for safety.

However, if you found yourself deleteing a lot of objects in a tight loop, the performance overhead of calling a virtual function (even one that's empty) might be noticeable. The compiler cannot usually inline these calls, and the processor might have a difficult time predicting where to go. It is unlikely this would have a significant impact on performance, but it's worth mentioning.

3楼-- · 2019-01-16 08:13

There is no need to use a virtual destructor when any of the below is true:

  • No intention to derive classes from it
  • No instantiation on the heap
  • No intention to store in a pointer of a superclass

No specific reason to avoid it unless you are really so pressed for memory.

4楼-- · 2019-01-16 08:14

Not all C++ classes are suitable for use as a base class with dynamic polymorphism.

If you want your class to be suitable for dynamic polymorphism, then its destructor must be virtual. In addition, any methods which a subclass could conceivably want to override (which might mean all public methods, plus potentially some protected ones used internally) must be virtual.

If your class is not suitable for dynamic polymorphism, then the destructor should not be marked virtual, because to do so is misleading. It just encourages people to use your class incorrectly.

Here's an example of a class which would not be suitable for dynamic polymorphism, even if its destructor were virtual:

class MutexLock {
    mutex *mtx_;
    explicit MutexLock(mutex *mtx) : mtx_(mtx) { mtx_->lock(); }
    ~MutexLock() { mtx_->unlock(); }
    MutexLock(const MutexLock &rhs);
    MutexLock &operator=(const MutexLock &rhs);

The whole point of this class is to sit on the stack for RAII. If you're passing around pointers to objects of this class, let alone subclasses of it, then you're Doing It Wrong.

5楼-- · 2019-01-16 08:14

If you absolutely positively must ensure that your class does not have a vtable then you must not have a virtual destructor as well.

This is a rare case, but it does happen.

The most familiar example of a pattern that does this are the DirectX D3DVECTOR and D3DMATRIX classes. These are class methods instead of functions for the syntactic sugar, but the classes intentionally do not have a vtable in order to avoid the function overhead because these classes are specifically used in the inner loop of many high-performance applications.

6楼-- · 2019-01-16 08:18

Virtual functions mean every allocated object increases in memory cost by a virtual function table pointer.

So if your program involves allocating a very large number of some object, it would be worth avoiding all virtual functions in order to save the additional 32 bits per object.

In all other cases, you will save yourself debug misery to make the dtor virtual.

7楼-- · 2019-01-16 08:22

The performance answer is the only one I know of which stands a chance of being true. If you've measured and found that de-virtualizing your destructors really speeds things up, then you've probably got other things in that class that need speeding up too, but at this point there are more important considerations. Some day someone is going to discover that your code would provide a nice base class for them and save them a week's work. You'd better make sure they do that week's work, copying and pasting your code, instead of using your code as a base. You'd better make sure you make some of your important methods private so that no one can ever inherit from you.

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