I think it is true that when we do a CSS3 transform translate using a percentage value, then that percentage is relative to its own width or height, so (50%, 75%) means 50% of its own width, 75% of its own height, but I can't find any specs that say that.
Example: https://jsfiddle.net/cstsyw3s/1/
transform: translate(100%, 100%)
I looked into http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transforms but can't find it mentioned there -- I could only find such as for transform-origin
, the "percentages: refer to the size of bounding box", and I think the bounding box probably is rectangle with the element's width and height. (not including any border)... but I can't find a definition for bounding box except for SVG and table either.
Yes you are right. Transform translate moves an element either a certain number of pixels if using px or a percentage of the size of the element being moved if using %.
So if you had a div class='mover' this css would move the div 250px on the x and y axis.
Here is a simple jsfiddle to play around with as an example.
In this section http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transforms/#transform-property it states:
The definition of bounding box is (source)
And border box is (source)
I hope this helps
In chrome (tested in v59), the percentage is calculated based on the dimension of the bounding box plus the border.
If an element has a width of 200px, and border of 50px, and we apply something like transform: translate(100%, 0) The total translated distance is 200px + 50*2 = 400px.
In this case, if you want the translating distance to be 100px, you can always add a box-sizing:border-box
Example: https://jsfiddle.net/httcg329/1/