I use Icecast with Easystream for streaming to both mac and pc. A Script Sets up the audio player called MP3 Sticky Player. swf
With the documentation support files the player just loads as below in both cases.
<audio style="width: 100%" controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay" src="">
Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element.
As we have removed images from any mp3 metadata we use a image loader that grabs the Icy-MetaData (FYI you will need at least PHP 5.4 to run correctly) and matches a directory of cover art for each players song that streams.
I use Icecast with Easystream for streaming to both mac and pc. A Script Sets up the audio player called MP3 Sticky Player. swf With the documentation support files the player just loads as below in both cases.
As we have removed images from any mp3 metadata we use a image loader that grabs the Icy-MetaData (FYI you will need at least PHP 5.4 to run correctly) and matches a directory of cover art for each players song that streams.