Using PyCrypto I was able to generate the public and private PEM serialization for a RSA key, but in PyCrypto the DSA class has no exportKey() method.
Trying PyOpenSSL I was able to generate the private PEM serialization for RSA and DSA keys, bu there is no crypto.dump_publickey method in PyOpenSSL.
I am looking for suggestion of how to generate the PEM serialization for RSA and DSA keys.
Many thanks!
PS: meanwhile I have changed the PyOpenSSL code to also export an dump_privatekey method for crypto API. PyOpenSSL bug and patch can be found at:
I was already using Twisted.conch so I solved this problem by manually generating a DSA/RSA key using PyCrypto and then initializing a twisted.conch.ssh.key.Key using this key. The Key class from Conch provides a toString method for string serialization.
It is not clear what you are doing this for, but if all you want is an openssl-compatible DSA private key, you should just follow the openssl dsa(1) manual page:
This is an example how to export/import DSA private keys in openssl format: