Usually while debugging C++ code in Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 I find the "Set Next Statement" very useful. Wanted to check if something similar to "Set Next Statement" is also available in Visual Studio code debugger while debugging a Node js application where I can change the statement where I want my next execution to begin during debugging.
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Actually, with VSCode v1.47, June 2020, following issue 92585,
See commit fb28ced.
Yes, this feature is available under the name "Jump to Cursor":
It will become available as an "Set next statement" alias:
As of now,This is a much-requested feature,
and some work with that aim has been done already:
But the feature is not available yet in VS Code.
Install the vsc extension of the link below.
It works well in cppvsdbg (vscode-cpptools -OpenDebugAD7).
However, GDB requires the following VSC extension to be installed.
enjoy :)