I'm using jquery datatable on a gidview and there is a checkbox on the datatable header. The purpose of that checkbox is to check all checkboxes in the current page of the gridview rows.
So am using the function
var table = $('#Tab_ApplicantList').DataTable();
var rows = $('#Tab_ApplicantList').dataTable().fnGetNodes();
$(rows).each(function () {
But the problem is it is selecting all rows in the datatable, not just the rows in the active page. So how can I achieve that to check rows in the current page alone?
I've got an answer to my question and sharing for those with similar issue..
will return all the rows in the current page only..
returns all the generated rows. Use this to get the current displayed table rows:Use dataTables.checkboxes.min.js , Use option
"selectAllPages" : false
. It should be work and it's easy