I am developping an app in ASP.NET MVC5 using Zendesk_v2 (uploaded using a nuget package). I have admin rights for subdomain easynext.zendesk.com.
Here is my code for creating a ticket:
private static string requestUri = "https://easynext.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets.json";
private static string _username = "gbalasel@easynext.be";
private static string _password = "MYPASSWORD";
private static ZendeskApi apiZendesk = new ZendeskApi(requestUri, _username, _password, "");
private void CréerTicketZendesk() {
var myTicket = apiZendesk.Tickets.CreateTicket(new Ticket()
Subject = "test ticket",
Priority = TicketPriorities.Low
This code sends me a 422 Unprocessable Entity
I have also made a test account for a client in Zendesk and the method works fine, the ticket is created in Zendesk and I also receive it in my email account.
This telling you that you have not formed a request that it can handle; the destination script exists (otherwise you'd see a 404), the request is being handled (otherwise you'd get a 400 error) and it's been encoded correctly (or you'd get a 415 error) but the actual instruction can't be carried out.
take a look on this for more info. Error List
just to add to the solution if anyone encounters the same problem.
is mandatory while posting the ticket json.A sample ticket json -
Yeah I run today to the same problem and solved it. The problem is that you need a comment and body part inside the ticket structure.
So this is how it could look like (in PHP):
Take a look on here: https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/core/tickets
Status 422 is most likely caused by a semantic error on your part. In my experience, ZD can return 422 most often in two situations:
If you are creating new tickets via POST, be sure to check all the values you are setting, as per my second bullet point above.
I had an issue with the Zendesk API throwing a 422 when I was attempting to create a ticket. All parameters were correct, the problem was that the assignee for which the ticket was created for did not belong to the group.
I found this error by looking at the request response by using FIDDLER.