Is there a way to get the HWnd pointer to the top window of Visual Studio 2010 from a VSIX extension? (I would like to change the title of the window).
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You can use the EnvDTE API to get the HWnd of main window:
In Visual Studio 2010/ 2012, the main window and part of user controls implemented using WPF. You can immediately get the WPF window of main window and work with it. I wrote the following extension method for this:
Since there are good chances that your VSIX extension will be running in-process with Visual Studio, you should try this:
(Note if you do this too early, you'll get VS Splash screen ...)
I'm assuming you want to do this programatically in C#?
You'll need to define this P/Invoke inside your class:
Then have some code that looks similar to the following:
Doc on Process:
Doc on P/Invoke:
Trying this code on my local, it seems to set the window title, but Visual Studio overwrites it under many conditions: gains focus, enters/leaves debug mode... This could be troublesome.
Note: You can GET the window title straight from the Process object, but you can't set it.