My problem is the following. After the password is recognized as valid I need to redirect to main.cgi
but I am getting the message as:
Status: 302 Found
Location: http://localhost/cgi-bin/Main.cgi
I know the reason for this is that I am writing this statement after Content-Type
so it is taking this as HTML and printing it on screen. I am a newbie to Perl. Can anybody please help me find the solution for this and make my code work the way I want it to? Or please suggest me some alternative code for this, or any link which might help me out.
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
my $q = new CGI;
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
if ($q->param("Login")) {
my $Password = param('Password');
if (!$Password) {
print "Please Enter the Password";
} else {
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
"", "",
RaiseError => 1,
AutoCommit => 1
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from Settings where Password = ?");
if (my $pass = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
print redirect(-url => 'http://localhost/cgi-bin/Main.cgi');
} else {
print "Invalid Password";
print <<END1;
<form NAME="login" METHOD="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="submit" value="Submit">
<TABLE align="center" bgcolor=#B0C4DE>
<TD> Enter The Password And Click Login</TD>
<TD><b>PASSWORD</b> :<input type="password" name="Password" size="20" maxlength="15" /></TD>
<TD align="center" colspan="2">
<input type="submit" name="Login" value="Login">
<input type="reset" name="submit" value="Cancel">
See the following, hopefully it will give you a good idea about how to keep control flow "to the right" and will help you identify exactly which pieces do what and should do what, in your form:
Never mind you never use the "Login" parameter... the above performs the redirection as you want it, displays the errors with no form (use a
print my_form()
after the header line if you need to), and looks generally a bit tidier.The easiest way is to use the META refresh tag, you wont need to regig your header either.
Use this code:
you might want to try
the trick is
will delay page redirect for about one secondI had the same problem so this trick worked for me pretty good. The code is not pretty but it works.
To redirect a page to another use the following method.
for more details about the session module.The redirect:
only works when it's the first thing sent back to the browser. Because you're sending this first:
the redirect is being treated as content.
(The redirect has to be the first thing you send because it belongs in the HTTP headers of the response. By printing your
, you're explicitly terminating those headers. After that, anything you send is content and will be displayed by the browser.)