I have List
of N
items and I want to divide this List
in a sequential manner between a fixed number of threads
By sequential I mean, I want to pass 1 to N/4
to first thread
, N/4 + 1 to N/2
to second thread and N/2+1 to N
to third thread
, Now once all the threads
have finished their work, I want to notify to main thread
to send some message that all the processing has been completed.
What I have done so far now is that I have implemented ExecutorService
I did something like this
ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Number_of_threads);
//List of items List
List <items>itemList = getList();
for (int i = 0 i < Number_of_threads ;i++ ) {
//how to divide list here sequentially and pass it to some processor while will process those items.
Runnable processor = new Processor(Start, End)
logger.info("All threads completed");
- How to divide list in sequential chunks?
- is there a better way to achieve such functionality ?
If what you want is to make all threads finish processing as fast as possible and the number of items is not huge then just post one
per item into anewFixedThreadPool(NUMBER_OF_THREADS)
:If you really want to give each thread a continuous portion of the list (but still want them to finish as fast as possible, and also expect that processing each item takes approximately the same amount of time), then split the items as "evenly" as you can so that the maximum number of items per thread differed from the minimum number by no more than one (example:
threads, then you want the splitting to be[4,4,3,3]
, not e.g.[3,3,3,5]
). For that, your code would be e.g.